


Took the long way home to find a ‘classic Guernsey’ image. Bordeaux always has some interesting fishing boats and these beauties have had a fresh lick of paint and the flag was still flying proud from Liberation Day.


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF70-200mm f2.8L

100mm / ƒ/5.6 / 1/500s / ISO 200



After watinig for nearly 45 minutes, I packed up and reached the Yacht Club to turn around and see the sky starting to turn. It didn’t last long and the rain seemed to be swirling around from all directions.


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

24mm / ƒ11 / 1/4s / ISO 100



The house prices in Guernsey are unbelievably f**king stupid at the moment, it actually takes the piss. But (there’s always a but with me), when you concider the luxurious lifestyle we have and the views some properties offer, it kind of makes sense. The silhouette of the table and chairs caught my eye, while admiring a view that I’ll probably never afford!


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L28mm / ƒ11 / 1/250s / ISO 200

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

28mm / ƒ11 / 1/250s / ISO 200



In my eyes, the Spring Equinox marks the start of summer. From her on it’s only going to get better. Warmer weather, sunnier and longer days and so much more to do.

Couldn’t think of a nicer way to start the Spring to be honest.

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF70-200mm f2.8L

75mm / ƒ/11 / 1/30s / ISO 100

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

20mm / ƒ11 / 1/20s / ISO 100



Finishing off the last few days of this year with something a little less strenuous on the legs. Although it was a little uninspiring, there were two seals swimming around the harbour, one of which came right up the the breakwater and just stared at me for a minute then got spooked by a fishing boat.

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

24mm / ƒ11 / 1/4s / ISO 100