


Made myself a new friend in the form of a dog. His owner was calling from a long way off and he just followed me for ages until I turned back and reunited him.


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

17mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/200s / ISO 200



Took the kids for a 5 mile trek around Fauxquets and Talbot Valley, which was probably too much for their little legs, but it felt good out there today. Saw this couple chilling in their garden, just taking it all in and surrounded by the sound and colours of spring!

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF70-200mm f2.8L

130mm / ƒ/5.6 / 1/500s / ISO 250



I’m off work this week but I swear every day feels like a Saturday at moment. Not a bad thing if your’e fortunate enough to still be employed.

With the sun shining I managed to get everyone down to the harbour at Le Gouffre and walk the long way back round the cliffs with very few complaints. Poor kids, it must feel like climbing Everest with their little legs.

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

22mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/200s / ISO 200