


This was a strategical and last minute rainbow hunt mission. In eight years you get a solid understanding of how the weather works and plan it right, you can get what you want. The thrill of the chase!


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

17mm / ƒ11 / 1/800s / ISO 400



Trying my luck for another rainbow shot over Fort Grey. It's always hit and miss but all the ingredients were there it’s just pot luck if the sun breaks though in time to give a full on vibrant bow.


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

30mm / ƒ11 / 1/250s / ISO 200



Not quite suited to the title ‘September Rain’ but it was trying to force out a full on rainbow. As usual, I arrived as it was fading away, although the contrasting light was epic. The autumnal golden hours are beginning to kick in nicely!


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF70-200mm f2.8L

80mm / ƒ/7.1 / 1/250s / ISO 200



Last day of November, finishing off with a classic Guernsey scene and a stunning rainbow. I sat through three downpours to get this shot but my persistence paid off. Luckily I found a rock to shelter behind and the rain was driving in from the west so the lens stayed relatively rain free. There was also a lot of careful planning in my mind as to where to be, along with the help of some basic sun calculation apps and rain radars.


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

17mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/1250s / ISO 200



My plan was to chase the thunder and lightning in the early hours but that was short lived. Instead, once the gorgeous orange glow burst over the horizon, I focused my efforts on the rain clouds heading in from behind. As an added bonus, a rainbow appeared in the mix.


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

24mm / ƒ711 / 0.8s / ISO 100



We all see rainbows but seeing them so big as the sun rises or sets is very rare. In the 6 years I’ve been obsessing over photography, I’ve only ever seen this three times. Not the best location for it but a photo than needed to be taken.

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

17mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/15s / ISO 400 / 5 Shot Pano