


My little pet dinosaur turned two a few days ago. She’s fully grown and can climb up glass without slipping which is mind boggling when you think its microscopic claws holding her up.

Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM

100mm / ƒ6.3 / 1/30s / ISO 800



Trying to keep this one out of brumation is proving more difficult than I though. They can lie dormant for long periods over the winter, sometimes a few months but the general advice seems to be to avoid letting them do it in optimal controlled conditions. She still comes out most days for a run around to keep her active and healthy.



Slowly approaching her first birthday, she’s almost full size. I love having a gecko in the house, completely harmless and great fun when she jumps between objects. It dawned on my a few days ago why I’ve always wanted a gecko as a pet. For those who grew up in the 80’s and 90’s, you might remember the little alien Puckmaren from a film called ‘Flight of the Navigator’? I think that’s where it all began!

Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM

120mm / ƒ7.1 / 1/13s / ISO 500



Sleep by day, play by night. She can get a little jumpy after feeding and misting. There’s been a few flying attempts that didn’t go too well.

Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM

90mm / ƒ8.0 / 1.6s / ISO 400